

Debt collection

Debt collection:

A.) All collection activity must comply with the laws of two countries, the country of the creditor and the country of the debtor.

B.) Debt collection in other countries around the world is done through the global debt collection network .

C.) All countries where Jubilee operate are connected by the single debt collection system which has the highest security commercially available.

D. )Jubilee can provide debt collection services in approx. 150 countries globally.

F.) We charge commission on successful amounts collected which varies depending on the country.


Macau & Hong Kong Local Debt Collection & International Debt Collection

Jubilee Credit and Collection Risk Management Limited offers professional services where clients can place overdue accounts for our immediate direct contact with clients' delinquent customers for payment.

For each placement, a combination of demand letters, telephone calls and personal visits are utilized to effect payment under the following principles. Jubilee Credit and Collection Risk Management Limited

• Maintaining progress reporting to our customers. 
• Effecting collection while preserving the relationship between our clients and their customers. 
• On-site visits to debtor for credit evaluation and negotiation of payment schedules 
• Act professionally and protecting our clients' image at all times. 
• Achieving the highest possible recovery rate on every claim placed. 
• Direct contact with your delinquent customers for payment through sending demand letters. By making telephone calls and personal visits to effect payment on overdue accounts. 


Jubilee help the clients collect the debts through a wide range of global credit and risk solutions for commercial and consumer debt collection. In any market, in any time zone, cross boarder to conduct negotiations and investigations in various languages, and deal with the intricacies of the local legal system.

Our primary aim is to secure full payment as quickly as possible whilst maintaining your relationship with your customer. Our proven approach to collecting overdue invoices for businesses of every type and size, worldwide, is based on our extensive specialist experience in global debt recovery.

Upon receipt of your instructions to recover the debt, the details will be entered onto our extensive database and a dedicated collector will be assigned to manage your file and you will be kept up-to-date as to how the collection process is progressing. 


The collector's first task is to contact the debtor and to send a letter requesting full and immediate payment of the overdue account. We will analysis every debt collection cases in details and discuss with our client for the best solution.

We make every effort to collect the overdue account pre-legally, but should the debt remain unpaid after amicable efforts are exhausted, it may be necessary to proceed with legal action, if possible and with your agreement. If legal action does become necessary, we can offer competitive legal fees, from a pre-legal review through to enforcement.
